PDF-4/Minerals 2025 - Renewal from 2024 to 2025 - Academic Price (Cloud Download)

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Product Overview

Academic Pricing Policy:
An academic price is awarded to degree-granting (Assoc., B.S., M.S., Ph.D.) institutions and organizations that provide resources for student’s course work that are affiliated with the degree-granting institution. Institutions may be required to submit documentation to verify eligibility.

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Comprehensive Mineral Collection

PDF-4/Minerals 2025 is the most comprehensive collection of mineral data in the world! Ninety-seven percent of all known mineral types, as defined by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA), are represented in the database. With 53,400+ entries, there is a wide selection of chemical variants within mineral species as shown in the collection. Our database demonstrates the benefit of having combined data from several different databases.

Due to focused editorial efforts in bibliographic searching, editorial review, and classification, the mineral collection has grown by over 30% during the last 10 years. All data are statistically analyzed, then peer-reviewed by an editorial task group of ICDD scientist members, who are also mineralogists. Minerals are classified by IMA designations of family, class and subclasses, Pearson symbols, and prototype structures. All mineralogical zeolites are similarly classified using international Zeolite Association guidelines.

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